• About us

    We are a team committed to making dementia care easier!

    Stanford LEAD Incubator and Accelerator program

    Enyi Health has earned the honor of winning the Stanford LEAD incubator and accelerator program. We have learned from the collective expertise acclaimed and award-winning educators at Purdue and Stanford. We are currently working directly with patients to understand the most critical needs. Our dedication to elder care is not just a passion; it's a promise. Invest in Enyi with confidence, knowing that our commitment to excellence is backed by the trust placed in us by one of the world's most renowned institutions


  • Our Team

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    MBA, Purdue University
    Memory loss Volunteer and facilitator at Alzhiemer's association
    20+ years of product development experience in healthcare and safety wearables in organizations such as GE Healthcare
    Email: purpletreellc@yahoo.com


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    Clinical Psychologist with expertise in Dementia
    Head of Mental Health and Well Being at Aaji Care